next month's meeting

Stray Toaster mwk at
Sun Oct 27 06:25:21 CST 2002

Yo. People.

I have decided that I will be magnanamous and give a talk to the group
next month. How about that? And the title will be:

'An Introduction to Test::Class.' [0]

I did get a suggestion (cheers Steve!) for something else, but it isn't
really perl, and there is no really nice perl interface to it, so that
can wait.

Feel free to come and here me expound.


[0] An *introuduction*, you hear? All complicated questions will be
written down and used as a basis for another talk some other time,
entitled 'More on Test::Class'.

I also apologise for any spelling mistakes above, as I can't see the
screen what with the sun pouring through my window.
Are you still here?

Family ties :
Playtime    :

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