Another template toolkit question

Steve Rushe steve-pmbelfast at
Thu Jul 26 05:59:58 CDT 2001

I've got another TT question for you people out there.

I'd like to use ttree to create a page with links to pages on
various authors, as well as the pages for each author. Rather
than have a template file for each author page, I'd like to
have the data on the authors stored somewhere and just have 
the pages generated using that data.

The index page is easy, a simple iteration over the author list creating
links, but each author page is more awkward. I'd like a way to say
use template "foo" with the following data and put it in file "bar",
so I could just iterate over the list and specify where I want each file
to go.

Is this possible using ttree or will I have to write my own wee script
to do this using the process call within TT?

Enough of this rambling, I'm back to work

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