Next meeting...?

Stray Toaster mwk at
Fri Apr 20 14:59:11 CDT 2001

Stray Toaster wrote:

> I *will* update the site. honest. soon.
> m.

hmm, it is updated. but only if you do

Anyone any ideas why this does load when you go Some sort
of weird apache caching? Or something else? Should I have not opened my mouth?

OK, so it is back to the fun project thing then. Anyone want to collaborate on
something odd? Like who can write the most bizarre encryption algorithm? (It don't
have to be hard to break, just fun! I vote for my ord-pack-unpack sort routine for
the most mental thing done in a long time......don't ask....) Or someone to tell
me I am not mad for using Inline::ASM....

perl -le '$_="6110>374086;2064208213:90<307;55";tr[0->][ LEOR!AUBGNSTY];print'

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