[bcn-pm] [Madrid-pm] Looking for help with Spanish translation parts of the perldoc

Enrique Nell blas.gordon a gmail.com
dic feb 11 08:51:34 PST 2009

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 4:53 PM, Gabor Szabo <szabgab a gmail.com> wrote:
> I gave you the commit bit.
> As a start you can add yourself to the list of contributors in Padre.pm
> and then you can translate the missing entries from the Spanish translation.
> As I can see after the initial translation there were no other changes.

I could install Padre (v0.27) on Mac OS X.
In previous attempts/versions, it used to get stuck during the
installation of Wx::Perl::ProcessStream
(it couldn't kill the dialogs displayed while testing). Now it fails
some tests, but the dialogs are
closed and lets the user force the installation of the module.


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