[Banking-pm] What CPAN modules do you use?

Billy Abbott billy at cowfish.org.uk
Wed Aug 22 02:56:27 PDT 2007

On Wed, 22 Aug 2007 alex at owal.co.uk wrote:

>> Prompted by Alex's mail just now - what finance/banking related CPAN
>> modules, if any, do you use?

> Algorithm::CurveFit 1.02
> Business::ISIN 0.20

> (My favourite debugging tool)
> Data::Dumper 2.121_02
> Date::Format 2.22
> Date::Manip 5.44
> Spreadsheet::WriteExcel 2.18
> Text::CSV_XS 0.23
> and loads of other normal stuff.

I would consider almost all of those (apart from the first couple) as 
normal stuff :)

> Apart from the ISIN one (which probably isnt used) none of them are
> finance specific.

Things like the ISIN module were what I was referring to - things which 
are more finance specific. There are a bunch of industry specific things 
up on CPAN for many different industries, I was just wondering if there 
are any that cater to our side of things that people actually use.

I'm trying to think of new perl module ideas that I might put together and 
have started wavering towards hacking on some finance related perl in my 
spare time...


Transvestite ninjas - how did I not see that coming?
  Billy Abbott                     billy at cowfish dot org dot uk

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