[Banking-pm] What CPAN modules do you use?

alex at owal.co.uk alex at owal.co.uk
Wed Aug 22 02:47:45 PDT 2007

> Prompted by Alex's mail just now - what finance/banking related CPAN
> modules, if any, do you use?

Well the first thing to note is that I find the Sybase modules far more
common in Banking than elsewhere. We use both the DBI one and a pre-DBI

Also fairly common is anything to do with reading/writing CSV and Excel

Here are some more random modules we might have installed and may or may
not be used.

Algorithm::CurveFit 1.02
Business::ISIN 0.20

(My favourite debugging tool)
Data::Dumper 2.121_02

Date::Format 2.22
Date::Manip 5.44

Spreadsheet::WriteExcel 2.18
Text::CSV_XS 0.23

and loads of other normal stuff.

Apart from the ISIN one (which probably isnt used) none of them are
finance specific.

I could post my Bundle::Snapshot but am not sure about confidentiality ;-)

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