APM: The proper way to use CPAN on a server

Tim McDaniel tmcd at panix.com
Fri Apr 9 09:58:18 PDT 2010

I've been lazy due to being on a single-user machine, either at home
or a Windows box at work.

I got IT at work to install Perl 5.10.1 on a server.  I want to update
the modules for all users.  I've had an odd amount of trouble finding
info on the Proper Way to upgrade -- maybe my Google-fu is weak today.
Is it as simple as "sudo cpan upgrade"?  Should I worry about
upgrading CPAN itself first, if necessary, and if so, how?  Are there
any modifications due to
     Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.4 (Tikanga)

Tim McDaniel, tmcd at panix.com

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