APM: Unsubscribe me now, please!

Taylor Carpenter taylor at codecafe.com
Thu May 14 12:58:07 PDT 2009

Maybe we need a header with a tiny url like


for all the people unfortunate enough to be tortuted with crappy email  
clients :)

or for even more fun use



On May 14, 2009, at 2:43 PM, David Maynard wrote:

> To be fair to LHoberman, the footer is not easily visible in most of  
> the
> lists posts if you use Outlook.  Taylor's message is the first one  
> in a
> long time where the footer has been visible for me.
> If a message starts in MIME format, Mailman doen't want to muck it  
> up so
> it adds the footer as an attachment.  On the previous list message,  
> that
> attachment was named ATT201662.txt.  Sure enough, if I open that
> attachment, the footer with subscription instructions is there.  I
> wouldn't have thought to look there and I've even seen the "problem"
> before as a Mailman administrator.  (There is an unsupported patch to
> Mailman that usually works, but it can mangle messages in boundary
> cases, so it will probably never be integrated.)
> -dpm
> Caveat:  I'm a few versions behind on my Mailman knowledge, so they  
> may
> have done something to improve things in the latest versions.

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