APM: parsing javascript

Sam Foster austin.pm at sam-i-am.com
Wed Oct 18 09:31:04 PDT 2006

michalk wrote:

> Is it possible to parse Java in Perl and have Perl execute Java?
> I would be interested in this for mathematical implementations in 
> common libraries.  It's statistics, no graphics.  Data in, answer out.
I was just looking at the Java module:

It seems to be what you're looking for, and /might/ be of use to me, I'm 
not sure yet. Ideally I'd like to be able to register callbacks as the 
javascript was parsed - like HTML::Parser - so I could do something with 
function objects. Is javascript is similar in syntax to C, perhaps 
there's something there I can leverage. Or maybe a generic parser 
framework for this kind of task that I can build on top of?


> Sam Foster wrote:
>> hi all,
>> I'm looking for a way to parse - but not execute - some javascript.

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