APM: Good text editor comparable to BBedit

Joe Cooper joe at swelltech.com
Sun Dec 14 21:11:14 CST 2003

Randall Hennig wrote:
> I'm looking for a good text editor with an interface and functionality 
> comparable to BBedit.
> TextEdit is not even marginal IMO.  I would like something that works on 
> Windows, Linux, or BSD (non OS X), or just *nix in general.
> All of our Macs are going away because they have been costly, and the 
> alternatives are just too cheap to pass up.  But we still need something 
> that can do powerful search/replace jobs for us and I have not found 
> anything that I like.
> Perl is fine for repeatable things IMO, but for quick things, or editing 
> lots of files continously, inspecting them for errors/anomolies and then 
> editing them again and again, a nice interface would be really handy.

I use vim for Perl, and jEdit for XML work.  Both are cross-platform, 
but I suspect jEdit is more the kind of thing you're looking for.  I 
learned perl coding in vim and so that's where I'm most comfortable, but 
jEdit proved far more productive and worth learning for my XML work, due 
to its brilliant auto-completion of XML tags and automatic validation.

I have a hard time imagining what features one could use that aren't in 
jEdit (or vim for that matter, but it will be easier to find in jEdit, 
and likely more comfortable for former Mac users).
Joe Cooper <joe at swelltech.com>
Web caching appliances and support.

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