#### translit - transliterates Greek text to English #### sub translit { my $line = shift; # this gets the argument (string) if ( $line =~ /[Α-Ω]|[α-ω]/ ) { # is there any Greek here? $line =~ tr/’£ΉΊΌΎΏ/ΑΕΗΙΟΥΩ/; # we don't want accented upper case letters # This hash (%replace) contains special letter combinations that are substituted first in the 'while' loop below # The _ characters are place holders to deal with the special case OIKONOMOU -> ECONOMOU, etc. my %replace = qw/ αι e αί e Αι E Αί E ΑΙ E αυ av αύ av Αυ Av Αύ Av ΑΥ AV γγ ng Γγ G ΓΓ G γκ ng Γκ G ΓΚ G ει i εί i Ει I Εί I ΕΙ I ευ ev εύ ev Ευ Ev Εύ Ev ΕΥ EV θ th Θ ΤH μπ mb Μπ B ΜΠ MB ντ nt Ντ D ΝΤ NT οι i οί i Οι I_ Οί I_ ΟΙ I_ ου ou ού ou Ου Ou Ού Ou ΟΥ OU χ ch Χ CH ψ ps Ψ PS /; while ( my( $key, $value ) = each %replace ) { # deal with special letter combinations first $line =~ s/$key/$value/g; # Replace each $key with corresponding $value from hash } # now do direct letter substitution $line =~ tr/ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΩΪΫαβγδεζηικλμνξοπρσςτυφωάέήίόύώϊϋΐΰ/AVGDEZIIKLMNXOPRSTYFOIIavgdeziiklmnxoprsstyfoaeiioioiyiy/; my %replace2 = qw/ I_K EC I_k Ec MB B mb b NT D nt d/; while ( my( $key, $value ) = each %replace2 ) { # various small fixes for letter $line =~ s/\b$key/$value/g; # combinations at the START of a word } $line =~ s/\b([A-Z])([A-Z])(?=[a-z\W])/$1\l$2/go; # adjust case of second letter if followed by lower case # letter or non-word character $line =~ tr/_//; # remove any stray _ characters } return $line; } 1;