[AnnArbor.pm] Information for our new site

Bryan Smith besmit at umich.edu
Tue May 3 19:23:34 PDT 2011

Again, we're meeting Weds, May 4th at 7pm at Workantile. (Tomorrow night.)

Here's the site we'll be working on:


(We'll request to have annarbor.pm.org point to our server so that
annarbor.pm.org can be the canonical domain -- i.e., the one indexed
by search engines, though we can always publicize a2perl.org since it
is so short. Also, a2perl.com points to a2perl.org. We can discuss
what this means during meeting if there is any concern or confusion.)

Here's a rough list of things that need to be done:


There will be pizza. Please bring laptops and other mobile devices!


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