Bizarre Question

Leif Sawyer lsawyer at
Tue Apr 17 16:38:05 CDT 2001

Aurthur replied:
> On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, Leif Sawyer wrote:
> > What I'm trying to do, is print out a list of ports, by protocol,
> > for each ACL.  And i'd like the ports sorted by the number 
> > of packets, descending.
> To just sort it by acl, protocol, and packet count, in that 
> order, something
> like this would do:
> foreach $acl (keys %data) {
> 	foreach $proto (keys %{$data{$acl}}) {

###### this block is all i care about right now:

> 		foreach $port (sort { $data{$acl}{$proto}{$b} <=> 
> 			$data{$acl}{$proto}{$a} } keys
%{$data{$acl}{$proto}}) {
> 			# Do what you need


> 		}
> 	}
> }

You'll find that this is what i tried, but it is not being sorted
at all.  It appears that there is some overriding of the variables
within the sort routine, and it isn't getting the full values.

############### Attempt one ############
foreach $port (sort mostusedsvc keys %{$service{$acl}{$proto}}) {
			my($name,$aliases,$p,$t) =
			print "Port: $port ($name) = " ,
$service{$acl}{$proto}{$port} , "\n";
sub mostusedsvc { $service{$acl}{$proto}{$b} <=> $service{$acl}{$proto}{$a}

:: This prints in seemingly random order.

############### Attempt two ############

@ports = sort { $service{$acl}{$proto}{$b} <=> $service{$acl}{$proto}{$b} }
		 keys %{$service{$acl}{$proto}};

foreach $port ( @ports ) {
	my($n,$a,$p,$t) = getservbyport($port,$proto);
	print "Port: $port ($n) = " , $service{$acl}{$proto}{$port} , "\n";

:: This also prints in seemingly random order

These are both functionally the same, and should each behave as one
but for some reason, neither work.

Where is the grammatical difference between my two versions, and your
that keep mine from working?  

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