[AmsterdamX-pm] When will a Sci-Fi/Fantasy/RPGs/etc. Conferences Take Place in Amsterdam?

Shlomi Fish shlomif at shlomifish.org
Sun Jun 8 04:28:42 PDT 2014

[Crossposting from the Amsterdam.pm mailing list.]

Hi all,

my name is Shlomi Fish (a.k.a "shlomif" or "Rindolf" -
http://www.shlomifish.org/me/rindolf/ ) and I'm a Humorist, Essayist and
Software Developer hailing from Tel Aviv, Israel . See:

* http://www.shlomifish.org/

* https://metacpan.org/author/SHLOMIF

* http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/

This year's summer (summer of 2014), I'm going to issue a new passport and
to travel as a tourist to Amsterdam for attending a Sci-Fi/Fantasy/RPGs/etc.
conference there. My only problem is that I don't know which conference like
that (or "con") is recommended and where and when it will take place (and what
are the prices). So I'd like to request the assistance of the fine people on
this list to enlighten me.

That put aside, I'd be happy to schedule a social meetup of Amsterdam.pm [or
AmstardamX] with me and possibly other people, and to help man some booths of
various open source projects in the con/cons, including that of Amsterdam.pm
[or AmsterdamX].

I shall be obliged.

Stay cool and smashing and become even more so!

Best regards,

	Shlomi Fish   

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
My Favourite FOSS - http://www.shlomifish.org/open-source/favourite/

Chuck Norris is not afraid of superstitions. Superstitions are afraid of Chuck
Norris. (via Dov Levenglick)
    — http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/facts/Chuck-Norris/

Please reply to list if it's a mailing list post - http://shlom.in/reply .

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