[adelaide.pm] social meet

Andrew Kirkpatrick andrew.kirkpatrick at adelaide.edu.au
Sun Jul 25 22:50:47 PDT 2010

Quoting Justin Hawkins <justin at hawkins.id.au>:
> Please do meet if you can! I'll be home trying to figure out why it's dark
> but it feels like midday :-)

The reptile aspect of your phenotype has been bad. It must be punished.

I'll be at the excreter, sinking a brew with Kim & co and leafing through a new
Common Lisp book (where '(eql new 1991) but '(eql delivered today)).

3 days to go until Rakudo*!


Whoever decided to use the semicolon to end something should just be taken out
and have his colon semified.
 -- Erik Naggum

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