[ABE.pm] Re: array references?

Ricardo SIGNES rjbs-perl-abe at lists.manxome.org
Sat Oct 2 15:17:47 CDT 2004

* Faber Fedor <faber at linuxnj.com> [2004-10-01T18:05:11]
> I hacked this together from something I read on usenet:
> my $data_array = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("select id, weight from
> $table where realdate =  '" . $fulldate ."'");

I'm not sure about the use of $table, but at least consider

		"SELECT id, weight FROM table WHERE realdate = ?",

This will use proper quoting to get the date in, and avoid SQL injection

>     my $sum ;
>     # forsome reason =+ didn't work here :-?

Because it's +=

> foreach my $i  (@{$data_array}) {
>   $sum = $sum + @$i->[1];
> }

$sum += @{$_->[1]} for @$data_array;

> foreach my $i  (@{$data_array}) {
>   @$i->[1] = 100*(@$i->[1]/$sum);
> }
> open(OUTFILE, "> $outfile");

Eliminate the foreach.

open my $output, '>', $outfile;

This creates a lexical filehandle-reference, which will autoclose when
it goes out of scope.  There are other benefits.  Check "perldoc

> foreach my $i  (@{$data_array}) {
>   printf OUTFILE "%8s, %5.4f \n", @$i->[0], @$i->[1] ;
> }

foreach (@$data_array) {
	printf $output "%8s, %5.4f \n",

This combines the previous loop into this one.  You could reassign the
element in the arrayref, if you wanted, but I was guessing you just did
that to get at it here.  You could also do something like this:

print $output
	map { sprintf "%8s, %5.4f\n", $_->[0], (100...) }

but that's just a question of whether you like reading English or

> close(OUTFILE);

close $output;

I think that's less inelegant.  Surely there are other, possibly better,
ways to do this.

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