[ABE.pm] Devel::Cover

Ricardo SIGNES rjbs-perl-abe at lists.manxome.org
Thu Jul 22 08:29:01 CDT 2004

I kept hearing people on qa.perl.org's mailing list talking about
Devel::Cover, and I'd seen its output, and it seemed neat.

So, this morning I installed it and ran it against Number::Tolerant.

WOW!  I've fixed at least a dozen obscure bugs that were just waiting to
come out of the woodwork.

Devel::Cover works like a debugger backend, called with -D.  It keeps
track of everything your program does and compares it to everything it
/could have/ done.  So, it tells you whether every "if" gets run through
both ways, it tells you whether every || is branched properly.

It tests for statement coverage, branch coverage, condition coverage,
sub call coverage, and even POD coverage (using, I assume,
Pod::Coverage.)  Then it produces a lovely HTML report showing you how
you've done.

While I doubt I'll use this as extensively as some people suggest, I've
found enough bugs in an hour to start using it pretty extensively.

Have a look! :)

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